Inert gas fire suppression systems are the environmentally friendly fire protection solution of choice for server rooms, data halls, control rooms. telephone exchanges, records stores and many other high value critical assets. They are ideal for occupiable spaces and excellent visibility is maintained during discharge.
The LPG iFlow® system is designed and approved for use with the complete range of inert gases available from LPG Fire: IG-55, IG-541, IG-01 and IG-100. Inert gases are stored in either 80L or 140L cylinders at 300 bar to minimise storage space and front print required.
iFlow® Technology introduces three new patented elements into inert gas fire suppression.
LPG Fire Australia is a dedicated team of fire protection professionals across Australia with a combined 100 years experience in Special Hazard fire protection systems
Our vision is to be a leading provider of quality solutions for Special Hazards fire risks across all major industry sectors in the Australian and New Zealand markets.